2012年4月21日 星期六

Medical Tests Can Be Hazardous to Your Health and Wealth

There are more than 7,500 parts in the human body; it sometimes seems there are drugs and tests for every one of them.

A recent article in The Washington Post identified 45 common tests that nine different medical groups have declared are either unnecessary or overdone, including colonoscopies. In addition to the 45 testing procedures, the seven most common of which will be identified momentarily, it is worth noting that spending on medicines in the U.S. grew in 2011 to $320 billion. (See Brian Vastag, Doctors Groups Call for End to Unnecessary Procedures, 04/04/2012.)

How does a nation of 313,303,160 (according to the U.S. Census Bureau) manage to function in such a drugged condition? It's a wonder anything gets done. (A cynic like Bill Maher, a comic like Andy Borowitz or even a wellness promoter like me might remark that this drug affliction, combined with excessive religiosity, helps explain how the Republican Party got the way it is at present.) One factor has to be that the pharmaceutical industry launched 34 new drugs last year, and spent billions promoting them.

But, enough about drug consumption - let me focus on the unnecessary testing issue. A National Academy of Sciences report estimated that 30 percent of U.S. health-care spending was inappropriate - a staggering waste of approximately $700 billion for procedures that do no good but can do harm.

At times like this, the media and others will ask, Who is to blame? It does not take genius to find fault with the key parties to this debacle, particularly patients and caregivers. However, both groups can justify somewhat why they act as they do. Patients are ill equipped to resist clever advertising; doctors are pressured to practice defensive medicine.

Better to focus on ways to remedy a dysfunctional situation.

In a report entitled Choosing Wisely released last week, the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation unveiled a campaign to persuade doctors and patients to be more careful about 45 common test procedures. The Foundation did not recommend against any of the procedures, but asked for better decision- making about assessment tools that should be questioned. Joining the campaign are a dozen consumer groups.

What are the most suspicious procedures these groups want questioned more often? I'm summarize the top seven. To review all 45, see the Washington Post article referenced above.

1. Antibiotics for sinus infections - basically useless since the overwhelming majority of infections are not caused by bacteria

2. X-rays for low back pain. Such testing is appropriate only if clear indicators of a serious disease are present.

3. Stress tests done on healthy people who do not have diabetes or other indications of heart risks.

4. CT or MRI head scans as a response to an episode or two of fainting.

5. CT scans to detect appendicitis in children - less expensive ultrasound scans are as effective.

6. Colonoscopies! This is a biggie for me. I am a long-term resistor against the procedure. So far as I can tell, I'm at very low risk, so I'd rather await a non-invasive option for polyp detection that is simple and cheap. Such a DNA stool test awaits FDA approval. The Foundation, of course, is not so radical - it advises one colonoscopy per decade. (I stubbornly maintain that, for 85 to 90 percent of population, once every ten years is probably too often. What's more, a single colonoscopy might well be too many for most people.) In all other Western countries, only those at risk from other testing are offered colonoscopies through national health plans.

7. PET, CT bone scans to determine spread of early prostate and breast cancers. Low grade tumors that can be shown to be at little risk of metastasizing are not worth exposing the patient to unnecessary surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy.

As promised, I favor not just less drugs and fewer medical test procedures but also more non-invasive wellness assessments. The latter would be designed to evaluate patient willingness to embrace appropriate levels of responsibility for their own lifestyle choices and actions.

I do recognize one problem with this approach, namely, that very few people are capable of doing much that is different from what they do now, given the limited ability any of us possess to will ourselves to change. Powerful memes of cultures and environments, traditions and circumstances, DNA and other genetic factors and more combine to constrain how we think and how we can act, even though most of us want to think we can choose to be different from the way we are.

For the moment, let's be more conservative about the tests we agree to undergo while considering new ways to remain well and become weller. After all, some folks may be able to change some of their ways, some of the time, with a little bit of luck and gentle guidance from doctors, wellness promoters, government, social policies and so on.

Publisher of the ARDELL WELLNESS REPORT (AWR) - a weekly electronic newsletter devoted to commentaries on current issues that affect personal and social well being from a quality of life perspective. The emphasis is on REAL wellness, which is also the topic of Don's latest book. Read about it here - https://www.createspace.com/3478226 - The "REAL" acronym reflects key issues embraced and advanced in Don's philosophy, namely, Reason, Exuberance, Athleticism and Liberty. Sample copy of Don's latest edition by request. If you like it, you can sign up - the price is right - free. Contact Don at awr.realwellness@gmail.com

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Lung Cancer From Asbestos: Important Facts to Know and How to Cope With the Problem

What are asbestos? Asbestos are mineral fibers that can be separated into thin, durable threads. These fibers are resistant to heat, fire, and chemicals and do not conduct electricity. These minerals have been used widely in many industries. Chemically, asbestos are silicate compound of silicon and oxygen atoms in their molecular structure. The building and construction industries use asbestos for strengthening cement and plastics as well as for insulation, roofing, fireproofing, and sound absorption. The shipbuilding industries insulate boilers, steam pipes, and hot water pipes with these minerals. For their vehicle brake shoes and clutch pads, the automotive industry makes use of these fibers. Asbestos materials are also used in ceiling and floor tiles paints, coatings, adhesives, plastics and many others.

In recent years, due to widespread public concern about the health hazards of asbestos, domestic consumption had significantly dropped. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, the EPA and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, studies show that constant exposure to asbestos caused an increase in asbestosis syndrome, mesothelioma, gastrointestinal, colorectal cancers and other diseases. Early stage asbestos lung cancer is hard to detect because of lack of apparent symptoms. It usually begins in the bronchial lining or the bronchioles, lung air sacs and trachea. The cancer develops slowly but can spread and invade other parts of the body.

Like any other type of lung cancer, the diagnostic tests include physical exams, x-rays, ct scans, imaging tests, PET scan and biopsies. During the diagnostic procedures, you should provide the medical team with vital and relevant information on the extent of asbestos exposure. Factors such as how long has been the exposure, estimated volume of exposure, source, size, shape and chemical make- up of asbestos fibers, whether you are a smoker or non-smoker and current lung problem are important things your doctors should be aware of. With regards its chemical make-up, studies have suggested that if the exposure is with the amphibole asbestos rather than the chrysotile, the risk of developing malignant mesothelioma lung cancer is greater because of the tendency of the amphibole fibers to lodge in the lungs for a long time.

Asbestosis is a disease in which asbestos fibers can cause scarring, inflammation of tissues and growth of non-malignant tumors in the lungs. They are benign and do not spread to the other organs. On the other hand, with mesothelioma, the growth of tumors that occurs in the serious thin membrane linings are malignant and they grow fast and spread to the other organs. When it occurs in the lungs, it is called pleural mesothelioma. It is a rare type of lung cancer. You can detect it by x-rays and confirm by biopsy test. Traditional treatments recommended by a medical team depending on individual evaluation include radiation therapy, surgery and chemotherapy.

Prognosticating mesothelioma reveal serious mortality rates. Factors which affect prognosis are area of cancer, stage, histology, patient's general health, age and response to treatment. Survival rate for patients with high level of white cell counts, presence of SV40 virus and certain biochemical markers from date of diagnosis is only a few months. The median life expectancy rate is about a year.

There are still many work environments and trades in which people are constantly exposed to asbestos. You may belong to any of these groups. Some of them are operational engineers, steamfitters, sheet metal workers, pipe fitters, plumbers, metal lathers, merchant marine, firefighters, shipyard workers, industrial plant workers, plumbers, construction workers, asbestos plant workers, boilers, longshoremen, railroad workers, industrial painters, workers in glass factory, schools, power plants, cement plants, military, hotels, telephone companies, oil refinery, loading docks, hospitals, chemical plants, heating and air-conditioning, boiler or engine rooms, etc.

If you happen to believe having a prolonged exposure to asbestos and are experiencing abnormalities, it is to your best interest to undergo a comprehensive physical exam. You should have a complete x-ray of the front, back, side, and oblique views. Other tests are pulmonary function test, blood work, a CT scan, etc. Request your doctors to explain to you what the tests reveal. It you are diagnosed with a lung cancer from asbestos, have the courage to face it frontally and disclose your condition to your loved ones. Ask for their support and prayers. Seek a second opinion. Lastly, pray for supernatural healing!

My name is Jet Jones and I research and write about lung cancer info. Please visit my site at http://lungcancer-stages.com to find information about lung cancer stages and treatments that can help you better understand this dreaded disease.

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Microchipping Your Pet - The Best Chance for Lost Pet Recovery

The statistics on the number of pets that are euthanized each year are heartbreaking. According to the most recent study by the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy, more than half of all the pets that enter shelters are euthanized. A larger percentage of cats are euthanized, because cats are less likely to enter a shelter with some form of identifying information, i.e. a collar or tag. I have so often heard about a family pet being euthanized before the family could locate their whereabouts; sometimes within hours of the pet entering a shelter. Shelters are spilling over with animals, and the animals the shelter considers "less desirable", are usually put down first. This is particularly troubling for me because two of my four house-cats are not social with anyone other than our family. Heaven forbid, one of them should escape and find her way into the local shelter. That is the primary reason I decided to have all of my cats microchipped.

What is a microchip and how is it implanted into my pet?

A microchip is an identifying integrated circuit that is placed just under the skin of your pet. The tiny chip, about the size of a grain of rice, is made from biocompatible materials, which means it is non-toxic and will not cause an allergic reaction. The method for inserting the chip is as easy as a vaccination. Your pet is not placed under anesthesia, nor is there any recovery time. A veterinarian places the chip in a hypodermic needle and injects the chip just under the skin, usually between the shoulder blades. The chip then bonds to the tissue in your pet usually within 24 hours, which should prevent the chip from moving around. Once the chip is in place, it does not wear-out or expire; therefore it should last during the life span of your pet. Cost varies, anywhere from $30 -$100, but it is a one-time cost.

How does the microchip work?

Using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), the chip simply stores an identifying number associated with your pet; it is not a GPS device that can locate your pet. Afterwards, the pet owner must register the pet with the appropriate microchip company. If your pet is found with a microchip, with no identifying information in a database, the chip is useless. Some companies charge a small registration fee to register your information. Once your pet's information has been placed in the database, the information can be accessed through scanning the microchip with a scanner or reader. Microchip companies usually donate these devices to shelters and veterinarian offices. Any information changes should be updated in the data base. For instance, should you move, it is very important that your address and contact information be updated with the microchip company, especially contact numbers.

Microchip vs. Collar and Tag

Some argue that a microchip is unnecessary since their pet has a collar and identifying tag, and many cat owners who have "indoor only cats", suggest that since their cat never goes outside, why should they invest in a microchip. First, tags and collars can fall off or be removed, leaving your pet vulnerable, without identifying information. Second, even a "housecat" can accidentally find itself outside. A visitor may leave a door open too long, or a natural disaster may leave your pet out in the elements. A microchip is the only permanent method of identification that will increase the chances that your pet will be returned to you, should the unexpected happen.

What happens if my pet gets lost?

If your pet is taken to a veterinarian office or a shelter, he/she will be scanned. Provided the chip has been registered, the identifying information will display on the scanner. Depending on the policy of the microchip company, either the microchip company will be contacted - they in turn, will contact the owner; or the pet owner will be contacted directly by the veterinarian or shelter, using the registered information in the database. This is why it is so important to keep the information accurate and up to date.

Unfortunately, due to the different frequencies, and scanners used by microchip companies, the system is not perfect. However more microchip companies are providing universal scanners that can read a range of frequencies. In addition, work is being done by the American Microchip Advisory Council to develop a network of the various company databases, which will streamline the process for locating owner information. It is best to contact local veterinarians and shelters to educate yourself on their systems for handling lost pets before choosing a microchip company. Even with a less than perfect system, microchipping does bring pets and owners back together.

Does it work?

Yes! Research has shown that the return rate of a microchipped cat entering a shelter is 20 times higher than the return rate of a cat that enters with no identifying information. Linda Lord - lead author of a study conducted by the Department of Veterinary Preventative Medicine at Ohio State University stated the following, "We found that shelters did much better than they thought they did at returning animals with microchips to their owners." She added that pet owners should strongly consider microchipping their pets.

With the growing popularity of microchipping, microchip companies are under more pressure to change their standards to a more universal system for returning pets to their owners. This is great news for pet owners, making microchipping an even more accurate method of pet recovery. A microchip used in conjunction with a collar and ID tag is the best way to ensure that your pet finds his/her way home.

About the Author:

Kim W. Traff owns and operates Kitten Smitten, a cat enthusiast web site which provides cat and kitten health and wellness information, videos and photo galleries for the avid cat lover. Kim is also mom to four spoiled house-cats, and spends a great deal of time researching and writing articles about cats. If you are looking for more cat related articles and entertainment, visit http://www.kitten-smitten.com. You can also find Kitten Smitten on Facebook and Twitter.

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2012年4月20日 星期五

Lung Cancer Symptoms - SCLC and NSCLC

Two different types of cancer grow and spread in lungs in completely different ways and knowing the type becomes important to treatment. In the United States as well as the rest of the world, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths for both women and men. While most individuals with the disease will eventually experience lung cancer symptoms, some may never have them until the disease has progressed to the point when a chest X-ray becomes necessary. At this stage the prognosis is already poor, which is one of the reasons lung cancer has such a high mortality rate.

There are two different types of these cells that may be present in the lungs and they are classified by their appearance under the microscope; they include small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) and non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). There is the possibility that other forms of cancer can appear like bronchial carcinoids, but the percentage of this type is low and they usually present in individuals under the age of forty. Metastastatic cancers; that have come from other areas can also be found here.

The small cell type is very aggressive and rapidly grows. Unfortunately, they are not usually found until they have spread to other parts of the body. They can also be called oat cell carcinomas and their cause is directly connected to smoking cigarettes. Individuals that do not smoke account for only one percent of those affected by SCLC.

Non-small cell is found in three different types and makes up approximately eighty percent of cancers that are found in the lungs. Located in the outer areas of the lungs are adenocarcinomas and these are found in smokers and non-smokers alike. Located in the chest area more often than the bronchi are squamous cell carcinomas which are far less common. The most uncommon type are large cell carcinomas. A mixture of all three types can be possible.

Symptoms are most likely related to either the original tumor, to malignant issues with hormones and blood or other systems that have been affected by metastastatic tumors. A new cough or a persistent one that will not clear up may be initial indicators that there is a problem. If there is blood associated with the cough it is certainly a serious issue.

Being short of breath, wheezing and chest pain may be important indicators that a problem exists. Pain can be associated with areas other than the lung. Wheezing and being short of breath may be related to fluid collecting around lungs; called pleural effusion. All of these may also indicate that there is some sort of blockage. Repeated respiratory infections like pneumonia and bronchitis can also be indications.

It may not occur often, but it is possible that a buildup of fluid between the heart and sac surrounding it may occur and this is called a pericardial effusion. A collapsed lung is also a possibility which is called a pneumothorax. If the cancer has metastasized to other areas then there will also be associated symptoms with that.

A group of tests will be performed that should include PET scans, X-rays, CT scans and bone scans. The physician has to make a decision regarding the current stage of the disease. The prognosis is typically not optimistic for this type because the disease is usually advanced by the time the lung cancer symptoms have actually appeared.

Suffering from lung cancer symptoms can indicate a need for a chest X-ray. The symptoms of lung cancer do not necessarily mean lung cancer is present, but require investigation.

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Uncontrolled Cell Growth in Cancer

Syncytial cells are out of control cell division owing to the presence of multinucleation in a cytoplasm without cell walls forming lumps and tumors in a tissue except leukemia where normal blood function is prohibited by abnormal cell division the the blood stream. As we age, our DNA mutates and this is one of the weak points where cancer may take a chance. Several viruses have also been linked to cancer such as human papillomavirus (in cervical cancer) and all immunosupressive viruses that inhibits the body's ability to fight infections and increase the chance of developing cancer. According to tissue type there are four main classifications of cancer:

1. Lymphomas-cancers originating from infection fighting organs

2. Leukemias-cancers originating from blood forming organs

3. Sarcomas-cancers originating in bones, muscle, or connective tissues

4. Carcinomas- cancers originating from epithelial cells

Within these broad categories, a cancer is classified by history, stage and grade.

Through long years of observation, monitoring and documentation. it has been noted that the metastatic behavior of cancers varies according to the primary site of diagnosis. This behavior pattern is known as "natural history" which is important in planning the patient's care and evaluation of the patient's progress and physical complaints.

Early detection of cancer can greatly improve the chance of successful treatment. CT scans, X-rays, MRI scans, PET scans and ultrasound scans are employed regularly to diagnose the presence and pinpoint the position of tumors in the affected organs. Specialist may conduct endoscopy to visually look for abnormality inside the body and get tissue samples. The absolute method of diagnosing cancer is to peep through a microscope the extracted cancerous cells called biopsy, together with some biochemical tests to fully detect the presence of cancer.

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Lung Cancer Warning Signs - Early Detection of Lung Cancer Can Save Your Life

Early detection of lung cancer warning signs - or any other types of illnesses - is crucial in helping to find a cure for the disease. Indeed, the earlier one is able to find out about the disease, the better chances they have for combating the illness.

Lung cancer warning signs are similar to recognizing the symptoms of the disease. Hence, having enough knowledge of other conditions associated with this illness would be helpful.

Below is a list of lung cancer warning signs you should be keeping a close eye on:

o Persistent Coughing

o Presence of blood or mucus when coughing

o Loss of appetite resulting to weight loss

o Feeling of shortness of breath

o Pneumonia, bronchitis, or other respiratory-related illness

o Constant pain in the chest, back, or neck

o Uncharacteristic fever

You need to pay close attention to any changes in your body though, since most of the symptoms are not evident until they have reached the advanced stage.

Once you have determined these symptoms, there are essential steps and further information you need to know.

Spread of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is caused by the presence of cancer cells. These abnormal cells continue to divide on their own without following a particular order or pattern. Because of this nature in the cells, they have the potential to destroy the neighboring tissues of the body.

In fact, they can also develop into a malignant tumor which can invade your bloodstream and cripple the lymphatic system. The process known as metastasizing is responsible for the spread of cancer cells such that the initial cancer tumor can cause the growth of new tumors in various parts of the body.

In terms of determining the rate at which these cancer cells spread, it largely depends on the type of cells. But on average, tumor growth can happen in a span of a few months.

When To Consult A Doctor

As soon as you notice any of the symptoms listed above, it is best to meet with your doctor immediately.

This will allow them to make diagnosis or assess your condition. Furthermore, the earlier you act on any lung cancer warning signs or symptoms, the more capable you are at preventing it from getting worse.

Immediate consultation with your doctor will enable them to further investigate the reason for such symptoms to exclude other health conditions.

Below is a list of what is recognized as late-stage lung cancer symptoms. One needs to work together with their physician to avoid reaching this stage:

o Inexplainable feeling of fatigue

o Reduced appetite

o Aches in your joints,bones, or constant headaches

o Bone fractures that are not brought about by injury

o Swelling on your face or neck

o Abnormalities in your neurologic conditions

Tests for Lung Cancer

Once you have seen with your doctor, the following tests are conducted to diagnose you:

1) Chest x-ray: This is mostly done for patients with complaints on excessive coughing and shortness of breath.

2) CAT Scan: This method of scanning in such areas as chest, head, abdomen, or pelvis helps assess the size of a tumor or evaluate how farther it has spread.

3) Bronchoscopy: In this method, your physician creates a direct visualization of your airways after numbing medications or sedations are administered.

4) PET Scan: This tool is used for assessing the tumor, which also utilize a chemical known as radionuclide. As soon as your first lung cancer warning signs become evident, it is best to undergo this test to help prevent the rapid growth of tumors.

If you want to uncover the truth about a new cancer cure claiming to be scientifically proven to cure cancer and ALL types of diseases (including AIDS, heart diseases, diabetes and many others), go to http://www.squidoo.com/newcancercure

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2012年4月19日 星期四

Smart Strategy in the Self-Help Business - Gender-Specific Help

If you're in the self-help business, the best place to start helping people is to acknowledge the fundamental differences between men and women. The breathtaking success of John Gray's Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, which has sold more than 15 million copies, offers a hint that people instinctively know the truth: males and females are different.

Gender identity is, always has been, and always will be the most integral, unalterable aspect of our being. Sadly, saying so has become unfashionable in recent years. The politically correct contingent has tried valiantly to convince us that male and female are made, not born--the product of brainwashed parents and other members of an antiquated, male-dominated, Judeo-Christian society.

In fact, males and females differ long before society has the opportunity to make an impression upon us. Neurobiological research on babies in utero fully supports our everyday observations; with the advent of ultrasound, MRI, and PET scans, we can study the brains of pre-born children. In an ultrasound exam at no later than 26 weeks of gestation, an observer can distinguish between male and female brains. Among other differences, the male brain is more asymmetrical between hemispheres; the language area of the brain is larger in females.

Obvious differences in brain structure explain the differences in the way members of the two sexes think. In all brains, the two hemispheres are connected by bundles of nerve fibers. As baby boys develop in utero, testosterone and other male hormones are produced; they bind to brain tissue, doing significant damage to the connective nerve fibers. By the middle of gestation, the concentration of testosterone in the boy's brain is comparable to that of a young man.

These hormones make boys and men competitive and driven to risky behavior and dominance, while the female brain secretes the powerful bonding hormone oxytocin and the calming chemical serotonin, leading girls and women to more nurturing roles.

Because the female brain's connective nerve fibers remain intact, females use both hemispheres for language and problem solving, while males use only one. This explains why men seem to have trouble putting their feelings into words: they can't, because the left brain controls speech, and the right, emotions; and in men, these two parts are not connected.

Also, feelings (in both sexes) occur in a more primitive part of the brain than does speech. This changes with age; the brain's "feeling" activity moves to a higher part of brain during adolescence--but only for girls. Grown men can no more put their feelings into words than can young children of either sex.

As another illustration, let's take monkeys--the animal with arguably the most human-like behavior, but without the complex social structure. It turns out that monkey toy preferences are consistent along gender lines with those of human children. In a study of vervet monkeys by Gerianne Alexander and Melissa Hines, boy monkeys chose the car and the ball, while girl monkeys preferred the doll and the pot. Both genders of monkey children seemed equally comfortable with a picture book and a stuffed dog.

What makes a particular toy a "boy toy" or a "girl toy"? Boy toys are ones with the ability to be used actively and propelled through space; girl toys are ones that invite contact. Boys' and girls' toy preferences are biologically pre-wired, which causes gender stereotyping of toys--not the other way around.

Regardless of one's ideology, the truth should be intuitive. Creationist? Believe that the Creator made us this way. (For a reason, of course.) Evolutionist? Since humans are merely "highly evolved animals," just observe the differences between male and female behavior of the animal of your choice. (Example: why do people castrate horses? Answer: geldings are more docile than stallions.)

We can pretend that traditional gender roles are imposed by society. Okay, little boys turn any household object into a gun and run around the house "shooting" things while making gun noises because we taught them to. Okay, little girls turn any household object into a diaper to put on their pet, doll, or stuffed animal, then cuddle it and talk to it in a high voice, because we taught them to.

But why would we want to pretend? The truth is much more inviting. And if the goal of the self-help industry is to help people, the truth is also much more useful.

If you're in the self-help business, start at the beginning: respect men and women for who they are. Choose a marketing expert who understands this fundamental truth about humans. Then go out, reach the world with your message, and help people.

Lisa J. Lehr is a freelance copywriter specializing in direct response and marketing collateral, with a special interest in the health, pets, specialty foods, and inspirational/motivational/self-help niches. She has a degree in biology, has worked in a variety of fields including pharmaceuticals and teaching, and has volunteered for many causes including special-needs kids and literacy. When she's not writing, she enjoys reading, art, music, outdoor exercise, and all things Celtic and Renaissance.

Have you signed up for her free e-mail series on marketing strategies?


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What is Autism?

Most reputable scientists now believe that autism has existed throughout the history of humankind. Some have speculated that ancient legends about "changelings" are actually stories of children with autism. Celtic mythology is redolent with stories of elves and visitors from "the other side" who steal a human child and leave their own damaged child in its place. The child left behind is usually mute, remote and distant, staring into space and unresponsive to its adult caretakers. We must bear in mind that in times gone by, and in some cultures today, children who are unlike the average expected child are seen to be victims of evil or some sort.

In 1801 the French physician Itard took into his care a boy who had been found wandering naked in the forest. It was believed at the time that the boy had lived alone in the forest since early childhood. The boy could not speak and was unresponsive to human contact. He has come to be known as "sauvage de l'Aveyron," or "wild boy of Aveyron". Itard's tireless efforts to help this boy mark the beginning of special educaiton. Although autism was not a term used at the time there are those who speculate that the wild boy of Aveyron was a child with autism.

The real history of autism dates back only one hundred years to the time of the Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler. In 1911 Bleuler was writing about a group of people then identified as having schizophrenia. In his writing he coined the term "autism" to describe their seeming near total absorption with themselves and distance from others.

Writing in the early 1920's, Carl Gustav Jung introduced the terminology of extrovert and introvert. Jung viewed these personality types as being present in all people to one degree or another. However he noted that in extreme cases, cases that in the language of his day were called "neurotic", a person could become totally absorbed into himself or herself.

It was not until the late 1930's and early 1940's in America that the term "autism" joined the official psychiatric nomenclature. Psychiatrists Leo Kanner, who started working with a particular group of children in 1938, and Hans Asperger, both publishing findings and writing in 1943 and 1944, wrote about groups of children they had studied and called either "autistic" or children with "autistic psychopathy". Both authors believe these children displayed a constellation of symptoms that were unique and represented a syndrome not previously identified. As the children they studied seemed unable to engage in normal human relationships they borrowed Bleuler's term "autism" to identify the syndrome. The defining difference between the work of Kanner and Asperger and that of Bleuler is that for the former two the condition they describe is present at birth while for Bleuler the condition appears much later in life.

Another important difference in these early pioneers of autism is that Kanner group is quite self-contained and comprised of individual all sharing the same "core" symptoms. Asperger's group is quite wide, ranging from the children like Kanner's to children with near normal characteristics. The vestiges of these two differing descriptions, now bearing the names of their illustrious "discoverers" remains to this day. In the literature and in lay terminology we still hear people described as having "Kanner's autism" or "Asperger's syndrome.

Around the time of Kanner and Asperger another famous, indeed in autism circles infamous, name appears. This is Bruno Bettelheim. In 1944 Bettelheim directed the Orthogenic School for Children in Chicago, Illinois. There he worked out his own theory of the cause of autism and started intervention programmes. Bettelheim believed that autism was a result of children being raised in severely unstimulating environments during their early years. He believed it was parents, particularly mothers, who were unresponsive to their children that caused autism. The unfortunate term "refrigerator mother" arose during this time.

Although Bettelheim's psychological theories were eventually discredited it was not for many years that science advanced to the point that mother's were not blamed for autism. Indeed, the author's own post-graduate training in the mid to late 70's was characterised by lectures about "refrigerator mothers" having caused autism. The legacy of Bettelheim's theory is undoubtedly one of terrible harm inflicted on so many mothers for so many years. [I cannot help but wonder if we really have progressed since I have so often heard mothers of children with autism being described as "over-anxious", "clinging", "over-involved" and "pushy or aggressive" by some educators, psychologists and physicians]

From the 1980's onward considerable research has been undertaken to uncover the "cause" of autism. So many theories have come forward: genetic, environmental, toxins, endocrine, metabolic, unusual reactions to certain foods or additives and the current favourite, immunizations. Despite all this theorising autism still remains a puzzle. Little scientifically valid evidence supports any particular theory and research continues into the cause of autism.

What do we know about autism?

It is now and accepted fact that autism is a neurodevelopment (sometimes called neurobiological) condition. This places the site of autism within the human brain itself, not in the form of physical brain abnormalities that appear on physical examination or X-ray, but rather in the chemical and electrical activity of the brain. It is know that autism is present at birth, is more common amongst boys than girls and is a life-long condition with no "cure". We know that autism can be treated effectively and there are a wide number of treatment options available. It is now known that education is particularly important in the treatment of autism and that early intervention is critically important. Children born with autism can improve along a number of pathways but they will always have autism no matter how seemingly like others they may become.

Having said what was said about autism being incurable and a life-long condition there are those who say it can be cured. Interesting forms of treatment being studied in New Orleans, Louisiana involve testing children with autism for low-level presence of lead in there system, then providing treatment to eliminate any traces of autism. This is said to have "cured" over 1,500 children of the condition (personal conversation with the lead physician). It has to be cautioned that such extreme and emphatic statements must be put to the rigorous test of scientific study and that the sorts of assessments being completed on these children in New Orleans are not in favour in Europe at the moment.

What is autism?

The neurodevelopment or neurobiological condition known as autism is highly variable. No two people with autism are alike. Having said that, all people with autism share common characteristics. These characteristics exist along what is called the "Triad of Impairment".

The Triad of Impairment consists of significant deficits across three developmental areas:

1. Social impairment

2. Verbal and non-verbal communication impairment

3. Impairments of thinking and behaving

1. Impairment of Social Interaction

There are several sub-types of behaviours that characterise this group of people with autism. They can be quite aloof, behaving as if other people did not exist at all, making little or no eye contact and have faces that seem to lack any emotional display whatever. Less common is the passive group who will accept the advances of others, can be led to participate as a passive partner in an activity and who return the eye contact of others. Another subtype has been called the "active but odd group". These people pay no attention to others, have poor eye contact and may stare too long and often shake hands far too vigorously and strongly. The last subtype is the overly formal and stilted group. They tend to use language in a very formal way when it is not called for, are excessively polite and try to stick to the rules of social interaction but don't really understand then. They tend to have well developed language skills that can mask their real social deficits.

2. Impairment of Communication

Significant deficits in communication are present, to one degree or another, in all people with autism. They may have problems is using speech (expressive language), ranging from having no speech at all (about 20% of cases) to have very well developed speech. They make repeat words spoken to them (echolalia) or repeat phrases they associate with something they want (e.g. "Do you want to play" instead of "I want to play"). They will also have deficits in understanding speech (receptive language). Confusing between sounds of words can be present (e.g. meat and meet). Difficulty with irony, sarcasm and humour is often found in those with well-developed expressive language. They may have problems understanding when an object has more than one meaning (e.g. soup bowl, toilet bowl).

In addition to the problem listed about in receptive language people with autism can often have significant difficulty with modulating their tone of voice and putting expression into what they say. They can sometimes sound robotic and speak with a droning monotone. Sometimes they can emphasise the intonation of certain words with unnecessary force. Sometimes they are too loud, sometimes too quiet (more frequent).

It is important to recognise that communication is more than speech. Non-verbal communication is important for human social interaction to proceed smoothly. People with autism have deficits in understand non-verbal communication. They may not be able to interpret facial expression or to use it themselves. They may have odd and unusual body posture and gestures. They may not understand the body posture and gestures of others.

3. Impairment of Thinking and Behaving

People with autism have pronounced difficulty with play or imagining. The lack of the ability to play has a profound effect on the ability to understand the emotions of others therefore sharing joy or sorrow with another can be impossible. Repetitive and stereotyped movements or activities are often present in autism. They may want to taste, touch or smell things. They may have a need to twirl things before their eyes. Sometimes they may jump up and down and make loud noises. In more severe cases they may bang their heads against walls or floor or pull and scratch at their skin. People with autism have a strong need for consistency and sameness. They become unsettled when routine changes. All these behaviours and characteristics point to a pronounced inflexibility in thinking and behaving.

Although every person with an autistic spectrum disorder has deficits in all three parts of the triad each varies significantly in the nature of their deficits. This makes is imperative for people working with children with autism to individualise their interventions. Autism is a highly variable condition with no two children alike and with some children, seemingly near normal but having subtle deficits.

Problems that may accompany autism

In addition to deficits across the triad there are a number of problems often associated with autism, though it is not known yet if they are caused by autism. Among the most common are: epileptic seizures (particularly in adolescence), sensory integration deficits (difficulty integrating the reception of sensations such as sound, sight, taste, hearing or movement), general learning disabilities, Fragile X syndrome (about 2-5% of people with an ASD), tuberous sclerosis (benign tumours in the brain or other organs, occurs in about 2-4% of people with an ASD), ADHD, Tourette's syndrome and dyslexia. Proper treatment of autism must include appropriate treatment of any associated condition.

Education of children with autism

Many children with autism can be educated in the mainstream with appropriate supports. These supports typically include speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, psychological services and special education. Though they perceive the world differently from those around them they benefit from placement in mainstream classroom and the other children benefit from having them in their class.

People with autism vary to an enormous degree as has been said above. As they progress through the educational system the types of supports they require and the intensity of these supports can vary as well. It is important to recognise that children with autism can be educated and reach their optimum level of potential. The task may be difficult and progress may be slow but progress will be made when supports are present and all work cooperatively together.

When autism is severe and accompanied by extremely challenging behaviour such as aggression, self-harm, extreme disorganisation and complete lack of language the education being provided often must take place in a specialist setting. The goal in these settings is to attempt to re-integrate the child back into the mainstream. For children whose autism is of such a severe nature psychiatric services may be required as an adjunct to the educational programme.

People with autism can be educated and a great many of them can enter the work force, sometimes independently and with great success, at other times requiring the support of a job coach and in some cases may require sheltered work settings. As well as entering the work force many people with autism can live independent lives, some will require structured and supported accommodation and some will require accommodation is specialist settings.

Autism and the brain

Considerable research is underway to investigate the exact nature of brain functioning in a person with autism. A lot is being learned but there is more to be learned in the future. What is known now is that there seems to be differences in the brain functioning of people with autism. With advances in nuero-imaging it is now possible to look at the brain with performing an autopsy. This makes it possible to study how the brain works while it is working. These imaging methods (CT scans, MRI scans PET scans and others) have shown that there seem to be a number of brain structures associated with autism and autistic spectrum disorders. These include the cerebellum, cerebral cortex, limbic system, corpus callosum, basal ganglia, and brain stem. These structures are responsible for cognition, movement, emotional regulation and coordination as well as sensory reception. Other studies are looking into the role of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and epinephrine. There seems to be a genetic factor involved in some of these brain dysfunctions and some research indicates that unusual brain growth may take place in the first three months of life, is a genetic factor and that results in autism appearing in early childhood.

What is being learned turns other theories, such as Bettelheim's, upside down. Autism is no one's fault. It is a neurodevelopment disorder affecting more boys than girls (4:1), occurring in about 3-6% of the population. This makes autism less common than general learning disabilities but common than cerebral palsy, hearing impairment and visual impairment. Translating these statistics into something more comprehensible it can be said that about 1 in 500 to 1 in 150 people will be born with autism. The implications for these figures are alarming because it means that virtually every school in the country has a child on the spectrum and that the vast majority of these children have not been diagnosed and are perceived in a pejorative light by their teachers, sometimes seemingly odd or obstreperous and sometimes lazy or unable to learn.

Autism and the family

Autism is a family condition. When there is one child in the family with autism there is a condition present that affects every single-family member including those who do not live in the same home. On receiving a diagnosis of autism parents sometimes feel a certain relief, now knowing that it isn't their fault the child is different. Others react with anger, grief, shame, denial or rage. Sometimes they become angry with the diagnostician and refuse to believe the findings. Although diagnosis at an early age is a good predictor of successful outcome if appropriate treatment is provided it is always accompanied by considerable trauma to family life. The impact of the diagnosis is always greatest on the mother.

The impact of living with a person on the spectrum has been shown to be harder on the mother than the father. The lessened paternal impact has a lot to do with factors associated with the gender role of the man in the traditional family: out of the home and working much of the time. Mothers are left in the major caretaker role and face the day-to-day stress of rearing a child with autism. For fathers the major impact of autism in the family is associated with the stress it puts on the mother. Figures in the US seem to indicate that the divorce rate in families of children with autism is not higher than in other families. This is something that has not been studied extensively in other countries however one study conducted in the UK indicates that the lone parent rate in families with autism is 17%, compared with 10% in other families.

Studies have shown that the emotional impact of autism on the mother can be quite severe. Many mothers experience enough emotional distress to require medication or psychotherapy. One study showed that 50% of mothers of children with autism screed positively for significant psychological distress and that this was associated with low levels of family support and brining up a child with challenging behaviour. Another study raised this figure to 66%. The emotional stress on the mother appears to have a significant effect on the work status. Many cannot work outside the home. For those that manage to work outside the home there is an increased incidence of tardiness, missed days and reduction to part-time status. Mothers are also the person most likely to be held responsible for their child's behaviour by others outside the family including neighbours and teachers. Mothers tend to cope differently with these stresses than fathers. Fathers tend to hide their feelings and suppress them, the result often being increased episodes of anger outburst. Mothers tend to cope by talking about their difficulties with friends, particularly other mothers of children with autism. They also cope by becoming avid information seekers, often knowing more about autism then the educators of their children.

The impact of autism on the siblings is not to be underestimated. They know from an early age that their brother or sister is "different". They will have a great many questions but most often don't ask them for fear of hurting the parent's feelings. The will have a deep love of the sibling with autism but this love is sometimes associated with anger and resentment due to the increased time the parents spend on the sibling with autism. They will often worry about their own future and obsess about whether or not they will "get" autism or will they pass it on to their own children one day.

The impact is not always negative and several studies have shown that being a sibling of a child with autism is associated with greater self-confidence and social competence. Care-taking skills often improve as well. Levels of tolerance to difference can be higher than in the siblings of children who do not have autism. So, what do we know about the impact of autism on the family? It is a mixed bag of results. At times is can be devastating, at other times it can lead to higher levels of coping skills and a sense of self-mastery. A lot depends on the family itself and the community in which it is embedded. A lot more depends on the supports and treatments available, especially the educational interventions and supports that can be provided. One this is certain: autism is a family condition affecting everyone.

David J. Carey, Psy.D.
297 Beechwood Court
Dublin, Ireland

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2012年4月18日 星期三

The Physiology of Hypnosis

Since the beginning of hypnosis, there has been an ongoing debate as to the reality of he process. There are as many individuals who believe that hypnosis is a real state of consciousness as there are individuals who do not believe hypnosis is real. In an effort to prove whether or not a state of hypnosis can be induced, the scientific community has performed its own studies and garnered significant information.

Scientists have subjected individuals to a host of examinations to determine if there are any physiological changes that take place in the body during hypnosis. The results have been interesting and enlightening. After hooking people up to a multitude of machines, scientists have discovered that, although there appears to be little change in the body during hypnosis, the brain itself may experience significant alterations.

Studies have shown that there are few changes that take place in the body during hypnosis. Perhaps the most obvious changes are a drop in heart rate and blood pressure. This is likely due to the state of relaxation that the individual enters when hypnotized. By far the most impressive results of hypnotism are the changes that take place in the brain.

Due to the advent of recent technology that allows scientists to look at the brain during hypnosis, we have been able to actually see the changes that take place during the process. Using Positron Emission Technology (PET) Scans and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), as well as Electroencephalography (EEG), scientists have watched the brain react to hypnosis, and they have discovered that the brain does experience certain, very real changes during hypnosis.

The use of EEGs have demonstrated that brain waves reflect subtle changes during hypnosis. High frequency brain waves are present during the waking state, and low frequency waves are more prevalent during sleep. During hypnosis, there is an increase in low frequency waves and a decrease in high frequency waves, almost as if hypnosis is a state somewhere between being awake and being asleep.

Brain imaging technologies such as MRIs and PET scans have allowed scientists to view the brain of the subject during hypnosis. These studies show that the left brain, which is generally the center of activity when a person is awake, slows a bit in activity, and that the right brain, generally considered to be the creative hemisphere, shows an increase in activity during hypnosis.

Although these are just preliminary studies that need a lot more research, the results are exciting in that they obviously indicate that the brain is experiencing some sort of change during hypnosis. The alteration of brain waves and brain activity as viewed on EEGs and MRIs, clearly indicates that hypnosis has a direct effect on the human brain, which is exactly the center that hypnosis strives to reach. Further study, including the use of control groups, may target the area or areas of the brain that are being activated during hypnosis. This may further scientific study by giving scientists clearer information as to the function of the brain and what areas perform what functions.

Rebecca J. Stigall is a full-time freelance writer, author, and editor with a background in psychology, education, and sales. She has written extensively in the areas of self-help, relationships, psychology, health, business, finance, real estate, fitness, academics, and much more! Rebecca is a highly sought after ghostwriter with clients worldwide, and offers her services through her website at http://www.forewordcommunications.com/. For intelligent writing solutions for your business, visit my website. 2008-2010 ForeWORD Communications - All Rights Reserved

Foreword Communications - Intelligent Writing for Individuals and Businesses: Articles - eBooks - eCourses - White Papers - Web Page Content - Etc. - View my blog at: http://forewordcommunications.wordpress.com/

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The God is in Biology

The most dreaded and rapidly increasing disease in today's technology driven World is Cancer- the result of unscrupulous and ruthless use of chemicals, particularly man made chemicals, in the modern civilized world.

What exactly is cancer? Biologically speaking it is a disease of uncontrolled division of cells. In our body cells divide continuously to replace worn out or damaged cells. But sometimes control mechanism may go haywire courtesy stimuli from various factors. This otherwise controlled and organized process becomes uncontrolled and unorganized resulting in a plethora of cells good for nothing. It is this mass of rapidly growing cells that forms tumor or cancer.

Cancer can affect any part of the body-brain, intestines, lungs, pancreas, liver, ovaries, skin and what not. Cancers are of two types-Benign and malignant or metastatic. Benign cancer does not spread. It is the malignant or metastatic cancer which is more dangerous as it starts spreading to other parts of the body.

Advances in technology have changed the way cancer is perceived, understood and treated. Scientific understanding about the disease says that it is a disease encrypted in our genes. These potential cancer causing genes are called Oncogenes. Oncogenes are present in our genome but become active only under specific conditions or stimuli called co-factors or cancer triggers.

The fight against cancer depends upon early detection of the disease. Rapid advances in technology have made early detection of the cancer, a reality. New imaging techniques like X rays, CT scans, MRI scan, PET scan and ultrasound scan are regular diagnostic tools. Advances in surgical oncology along with new imaging devices have made hither to inaccessible areas like base of the skull under the category of curable cancers. Similarly advances in Radiation Oncology like development of Cyberknife, targeted chemotherapy and organ preservation in minimum invasive surgery to prevent damage to the healthy cells, reducing trauma of the patient.

Oncology today has entered in to an era of personalized cancer treatment. Biotechnology and Bioinformatics are helping us to design tailor made drugs for the treatment of cancer based on the unique genetic makeup of the patient or tumor. Clinical trials are underway to determine the efficacy of such drugs. Bevacizumab is one such molecule approved by USFAD to treat deadly Glioblastoma. However, these molecules are prohibitively costly.

With exciting new therapeutics in the pipe line, can cancer finally be conquered?

I belong to the community of teachers and I teach Life Sciences. Life Science is something what I consider 'Mother of all Sciences'. It is the way of human life. Life science encompasses practically all branches of knowledge, as life itself is dependent on all the physical and chemical parameters with in our knowledge. I write regularly write at http://myinferencesonlife.blogspot.com

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The Pros and Cons of Alternative Cancer Treatment

I am writing this to anyone out there who has like me, joined the cancer club. I currently have breast cancer. I am not however, doing conventional treatment. I'm not having chemo, radiation, nor have I had a mastectomy. I am using an alternative cancer treatment called Protocel.

I first found out about Protocel from my gynecologist. Shortly after my diagnosis, his office kept calling me asking, "Can you come in today? Can you come in tomorrow? Can you come in on Friday? When can you come in?" I thought, "Why does my gynecologist want to see me so bad?" I was quite busy setting up appointments with an oncologist and for my chemo treatment, so I didn't get back to him right away. Finally, I went in to see him. He told me to research Protocel on the internet and to consider alternative treatment for my cancer. I was so impressed by what I read online that I decided to forego conventional treatment and use Protocel instead.

Many times when I tell people what I'm doing. I tell them, "There really are non-toxic alternative cancer treatments that really do work! Really!" The internet is full testimonies of people who were sent home to die, or supposedly had incurable cancers like pancreatic cancer who used Protocel, or some other alternative treatment and were cured. Yes, I use the word CURED!

Lately, whenever I see some famous person who has cancer I want to contact them and tell them to look into alternative cancer treatments. Recently, I saw that Steve Jobs has pancreatic cancer. I actually Googled him to see if there was a way that I could email him, but I couldn't find anything. Maybe by an intervention from God he will read this article.

Anyway, I wanted to write about the success that I'm having so far. In May 2011, I had a PET scan. It showed that my numbers had gone down from the previous PET scan that I had in October 2010. The radiologist also said that my numbers are so low that he really is not too concerned about me. He also said, "Keep doing what you're doing." Last December 2010, I had an MRI. It showed that my lymph nodes had cleared up and were now cancer free. This is HUGE because cancer spreads through the lymph nodes. If all this, "alternative cancer treatment business," were nothing but hogwash, I would not be showing improvement with these very conventional tests.

The downside of doing alternative cancer treatment is that you're kind of out there on your own. Most doctor's are not familiar with alternative cancer treatment, and will only recommend conventional treatment. You need to become your own expert. Doing alternative cancer treatment means going against your doctor's advice, and that can be a scary thing. You have to gather up your courage, and be assertive and firm in your resolve. It is also important to remain respectful of your doctor, and keep a good relationship with them. I have found that most doctor's are very caring individual's, who truly have their patients best interest at heart. They just want you to survive!

If you or someone you love has been given a grave cancer diagnosis, at least look up alternative cancer treatment on the internet. BE INFORMED! There are so many different types out there that it might be hard to decide which one you want to use, but if you do decide to use a powerful alternative cancer treatment, you just might surprise everyone and live

That day in my gynecologist's office he recommended a book to me called, "Outsmart Your Cancer." That book is full of information about many alternative cancer treatments besides just Protocel. That book has become my cancer Bible. I refer to it again and again. If you would like to order the, "Outsmart Your Cancer," book, Cick here; http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=zwRI8v/cR0k&subid=&offerid=229293.1&type=10&tmpid=8433&RD_PARM1=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.barnesandnoble.com%252Fs%252Foutsmart-your-cancer.

For more information about Protocel as well as other alternative cancer treatments that really do work, I mean really do CURE CANCER, check out author Laurie Bassart's website http://alternatives4cancer.com/?page_id=27

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2012年4月17日 星期二

Stomach Cancer: After Three Biopsies She Declined Medical Treatment: Where Is the Logic?

DS-M906, is a 69-year-old female from Indonesia. Sometime in July 2009, DS had problems with her stomach. She consulted an internist at a private hospital in Medan. A biopsy was performed and the result indicated an adenocarcinoma, i.e. cancer of the stomach. After this examination, DS decided not to do anything. Her problem escalated and she suffered more pains.

In December 2010, DS went to see another doctor in another private hospital in Medan. A biopsy was again performed. The histopathology result indicated a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Not satisfied, in January 2011, DS came to a private hospital in Penang for further consultation. A CT scan did not show any focal lung lesion. Her abdominal organs were normal. A colonoscopy showed simple hemorrhoids while the rest of the bowels were normal. A biopsy of the pre-pyloric region was performed. The result indicated signet ring-type adenocarcinoma. There was also Helicobacter pyloriassociated chronic active gastritis. In short, for the third time, DS had been told that she had stomach cancer.

The doctor in Penang suggested two options - DS take medications or undergo an operation. DS declined further medical treatment and came to seek our help on 21 January 2011. Below is the video recording of our conversation.


Since DS and her children had already made the decision not to undergo any surgery, DS had no other choice but to take our herbal teas. We cautioned her to reconsider her decision to decline surgery. She was adamant that she did not want any medical treatment. One of her children said: "After surgery, she has to undergo chemotherapy. And we know that is not the thing we want to do."

We posed this question to DS - and for that matter, to all patients. If she has already decided not to undergo surgery after a biopsy, why does she do one biopsy after another? It is understandable if only one biopsy is done - to determine what has gone wrong. But what does she expect to get by doing three biopsies?

This is one peculiarity we often notice among Indonesian patients. They come to Penang - bring all the money that they have. They spend their money on blood test, X-ray, CT scan, PET scan, biopsy, etc. When they are told that they have cancer and need to medical treatments, some of them just pack off and go home the next day. Is this not wasting money unnecessarily? Is there any logic in doing such thing?

This is our message to patient: If you don't want to proceed with medical treatments recommended by your doctor, there is no need to do a biopsy. A biopsy is done to confirm if you have cancer, so that you can move to the next step - be it surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. If you did not want to do any of these, why do a biopsy?

Again we say - before doing a biopsy, ask yourself first: If it is cancer, do I want to undergo surgery / chemotherapy / or radiotherapy? If you agree to such treatment, go ahead with the biopsy to be sure that it is really cancer. But if you do not wish to undergo further medical treatment as in the case of DS, why do you spend so much of your money doing the biopsy in the first place?

Granted - some patients say, the medical treatments are expensive and they cannot afford it. Or, some may say they decline medical treatments because the doctors cannot guarantee a cure. If these are your concerns, why don't you ask the costs first or ask for a guarantee first before doing anything?

For more information about complementary cancer therapy visit: http://www.cacare.com, http://www.CancerCareMalaysia.com

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Phone GPS Tracking Systems for Your Pet - Are They a Good Idea?

Each year, almost half of the animals entering animal shelters around the country are strays or lost pets. Pet's can't tell anyone who their owner is and where they live so how do you find you beloved family member should you become separated?

There are about three different solutions to locating lost pets. One is the little metal or plastic tag that hangs from the pet's collar. The tag has the name of the pet, the home address and, maybe, a phone number of the owner. The microchip is another solution. They're inexpensive, passive implants that are injected under the pet's skin and can be scanned with a specialized wand when the missing pet is brought to a veterinarian. Another solution is a pet GPS tracking system. These GPS locators attach to your pet's collar and can remotely locate your pet at almost any time however; pet tracking devices are more expensive than the microchip. Even so, there is a large populace of empty nesters who are filling those nests with pets, and young couples are raising pets before committing to the bigger responsibility of raising children and they are more focused on their four-legged family members then ever. Pet owners today are willing to spend or splurge when consumers in other venues are cutting back.

Besides being more expensive than microchips, tracking devices can come off with collars. Some tracking units are ineffective in areas where there isn't consistent cell phone or internet connection. If pet owners relocate, the new location will not be on the chip, resulting in loss of time and more stress trying to trace where the lost pet's family is currently living but the advantages of a GPS tracking system far outweigh the little tag and the microchip solutions. The American Kennel Club Companion Animal Recovery (AKC CAR) was developed to help lower the number of missing pets in the United States which is beneficial to society by reducing the number of strays and lost pets. In turn, this relieves the overcrowding of animal shelters and humane societies. Many hunters use some type of GPS tracking system to keep from losing their dogs in the field or woods. Tracking systems utilize 20 satellites or more to track the actual location of your pet but if you're in an area without good satellite connection, you may want to use GPS tracking systems in addition to other locators like a microchip.

Know what your needs are before you buy tracking equipment for protecting your pet. GPS locators can be monitored by handsets, cell phones, or computers and can be designed to work within a certain range so look for a dog tracking device with long battery life, and make sure the range is suitable for your area. Good GPS tracking systems will go through floors, walls or other objects that can reduce range. Some pet GPS models can give a history of your dog's movement over the last seven days and lets you create visual safety zones for your pet. Also, consider the weight of the dog tracker device and keep your pet's size in mind. Very small dogs may find wearing tracking systems uncomfortable, and may suffer neck or back injuries if forced to wear a heavy pet tracker unit for a long period of time.

GPS tracking systems can locate missing pets in all situations such as after a car accident, natural disaster or when they are lost while being shipped by plane. Other advantages to consider when deciding on a pet tracking system:

* A GPS tracking device can give the owner directions to a pet's current location.

* Pet can be tracked anywhere in the world with internet and/or mobile phone coverage.

* Unlike the microchip, a GPS tracking device is noninvasive.

* You don't have to wait for your pet to be found and scanned to be located.

With a pet phone GPS tracking system, you locate your pet with speed and accuracy in real time. It's proactive because you control your pet's location by establishing geographical areas where your pet is allowed to roam. The information of his location can be sent to you or whomever you choose. A phone tracking system will locate your pet the moment you suspect he is lost or stolen which increases the likelihood of getting him back quickly and safely.

Replace the worry and fear of searching for your pet with the confidence and ease of locating them quickly and safely with a pet phone GPS tracking system.

Find the perfect GPS tracking system for your perfect pet at http://ChocolateDogAdvertising.com.

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Secondary Lung Cancer Cures Are Rare

Cancers that can spread from their original locations are called secondary cancers. This process, called metastasizing, moves the cancers through the bloodstream, lymphatic system, or by direct extension to a new location. One or many of the cancerous cells of the primary cancer (where the disease originated) can break off and slip into the bloodstream or lymphatic system to reach other organs.

Cancerous cells in the lungs as well can appear there without having originated there; in children, cancers of the lungs usually manifest through this process. Cancer that appears in the lungs but did not originate there is called secondary lung cancer. Even though it affects the lungs, this cancer is named according to the type of cancer it originated from, the primary cancer. For example, breast cancer that spreads to the lungs and becomes a secondary lung cancer would still be considered breast cancer.

While nearly every type of cancer has the ability to metastasize and spread to the lungs, some do so more commonly than others. Secondary lung cancer is usually a result of bladder, breast, prostate, or colon cancer. Sarcoma, Wilms tumor and neuroblastoma also tend to migrate to the lungs.

In addition to being a disease in itself, is also usually an indication that the primary cancer has reached an advanced stage, though this is not always the case. Signs of lung cancer include persistent cough, breathlessness, coughing up blood, and chest pain. These symptoms, in addition to being similar to those for primary lung cancer, also mimic several less serious diseases. A diagnosis of secondary lung cancer may therefore require x-rays, CT scans, MRIs, PET scans, or biopsies.

Symptoms of cancers can interrupt daily activities for sufferers. But there are ways to manage and treat the symptoms. Medication can help address symptoms such as breathlessness, cough and chest pain. Other symptoms must be managed by the patient through awareness. Some patients begin to fear they will choke, due to their increased difficulty with breathing, but should be aware that this is unlikely. Others may be distressed by coughing up blood, but should know that coughing up a little blood is not unusual to patients with cancer in the lungs. Only those coughing up large amounts of blood need to seek treatment for this symptom.

Cancer of the lungs can also cause a build up of fluid in the lungs, a condition termed pleural effusion. This fluid may be drained out of the lungs to relieve pain and difficulty breathing, though it may build up again over time. Treatment for lung cancer is similar to that for primary lung cancer, and includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. However, chemotherapy is the preferred treatment option. This is because as a secondary cancer, it is an indication that the primary cancer has spread into the bloodstream. In such cases, removing visible tumors through surgery is not effective, as other cancerous cells can be present in the body without being visible. Chemotherapy can target even those cells CT scans cannot see, making it the most common treatment choice.

However, a cure is unlikely and the five-year survival rate for those diagnosed with secondary lung cancer is not promising. The cancer can sometimes be cured via surgery, but this outcome is rare.

Adam Bradley is a book publisher of How-To and information books. While doing research on asbestos and secondary lung cancer options, he was shocked by the tremendous amount of bad information, scams, and bogus agencies. He felt that having to spend countless hours sorting articles and web pages just to find help during a period when time is of the essence was absurd. To help the victims and families of those exposed to asbestos, he and his research team compiled this information and offer a free 15 part Mini-Course at: Asbestos Cancer Resources.com.

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2012年4月16日 星期一

To Begin Treatment, Dementia Must Be Properly Diagnosed - Understanding Tests For Dementia

To begin treatment dementia requires the proper assessment. Family members would like the tests for dementia to be simple, understandable and quick to identify the disease.

There are a many different tools a heath care provider may use to identify the symptoms of dementia. Most often, it is the family member that has concerns about memory lapses or an aging family members concern about driving skills or money management that brings them to the doctors offices. The aging senior will be in strong denial that there is absolutely nothing wrong.

The first thing I always like to warn family members about is that every test has its strengths and its weaknesses. In fact, I cannot tell you how many times I have had a family member call me upset that aging senior passed the test with flying colors. They were in the normal range. Yes, it does happen.

In fact, I will tell you that some of those individuals with Alzheimer's disease,

Lewy Body's, and some vascular dementia patients actually can have scores within the normal range on some of the tests. Even though that morning, they were unable to dress themselves without cueing and may have left the freezer door open the night before and thawed out the entire contents of it.

How is that possible? Well there are many factors that affect the results of the test. There are many different types of dementia because there are many different parts of the brain that are affected. When a different part of the brain is affected, the individual will exhibit different symptoms of dementia.The other factors that can affect test results can be environmental, such as the temperature of the room, the skill of the person giving the test, and the distractions that may be in the room.

More on to begin treatment dementia must be properly diagnosed and Understanding tests for dementia

The most important first step to a diagnosis is a complete and thorough history. It is important that a family member take time to share with the health care providers any dementia like symptoms they feel they may have observed so that these may be taken into consideration as well. There are many diagnostic tests that can be ordered such as CAT scans, Magnetic resonance imaging or PET scans that may identify or rule out areas of the brain that may be causes of different types of dementia. As part of any screening process for dementia, cognitive function tests are a very important component that would be included along with the scans, the medical history and a complete physical and lab work up.

Cognitive function tests should never be used initially as a stand alone diagnostic test as they do not provide the health care providers a complete picture for an accurate diagnosis. There are different cognitive function tests that are widely used and can even be taken in the comfort of your own home. Of course, it is really important to understand that there are many things that will affect the outcome of these tests when you take these tests at home. It is important what you interpret as results may not be what the professional see as the same results. Some of these tests appear simple and easy. Yet, the task the individual is asked to perform is a test that reveals information about the deepest levels of an individuals brain functions. The individual that interprets the tests is required to have many years of post-graduate education and experience.

The four most common cognitive function tests used to assess and screen for dementia are animal naming, clock drawing, the Cognistat test, the Mini Mental State Exam. There are strengths and weaknesses with each of these tests as well. To begin treatment dementia must be properly diagnosed. Understanding the tests for dementia, knowing the strength and weaknesses of those tests will help you to advocate for your family member.

Diane Carbo Registered Nurse has more than thirty five years in the nursing field. Her experience as a geriatric care manager, makes her uniquely qualified to help those who want to live out their lives in their own homes. That decision may be made when you are 20, 30, 40 or in fact at any age, with sooner rather than later being ideal. Diane has developed a web site to make people aware of issues and options. You will find extensive helpful information that will be continually updated. Please visit Diane's web site and learn more about dementia and treatment. Sign up for "The Caring Advocate" her free newsletter and take advantage of a complimentary e-course Advocating For Yourself and Others

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Lung Cancer Surgery Options

Lung cancer may be treated by a variety of therapies which are frequently used in combination to provide an optimal outcome for the patient. Surgical resection is the process by which the tumor is surgically removed, and this is usually recommended when the cancer has not metastasized (or spread) beyond the lung into other parts of the body.

There are several options for performing a resection which may involve minimally invasive surgery or a full operation. Which technique is used will depend on a variety of factors, notably the size and stage of the cancer and whether the tumor can be accessed by the surgeon.

A thoracotomy is performed by the surgeon making an incision through the chest wall and a median sternotomy is performed by entering the chest cavity through the breastbone. Both of these methods are commonly employed in lung cancer surgery but they do involve considerable patient discomfort and extended stays in hospital with a longer recovery period.

Alternative surgical procedures include an anterior limited thoracotomy (ALT) which involves a small incision to allow entry, again through the front of the chest. It should be stressed that the incision is considerably smaller than in a standard thoracotomy or median sternotomy. An alternative is the anterior axillary thoracotomy (AAT) which involves a small incision on the chest front but near the underarm and finally, there is the postero-lateral thoracotomy (PLT) which involves an incision the back or side of the of the patient's trunk.

Even with these improved surgical techniques, a patient will experience considerable pain if the operation involves opening the chest (sometimes referred to amongst doctors as "chest cracking").

As a consequence of the extended recovery times and patient discomfort, surgical techniques have been developed which do not involve full-blown surgery - these are the so-called, minimally-invasive techniques.

Video-assisted thoracoscopy (VAT) uses a high powered video camera and hi-definition screen combined with diagnostic scans, such as CT or PET scan, to target the tumors in the patient's lung. The incision required is much smaller and there is no need to open the chest cavity which results in much less discomfort for the patient and greatly reduced recovery periods. Using the video display, the surgeon is able to resect the tumors which have been identified during the diagnosis and staging phases.

Some doctors do caution the use of VAT however, as a traditional thoracotomy may reveal tumors and other metastasized cancers which have not been discovered in the initial scans and diagnosis. If these remain undiscovered the cancer can return and the patient will become ill again and for this reason, VAT is usually recommended for early stage (I & II) cancers and which have not spread to other parts for the lungs and body.

It is quite usual for any surgical procedure to be accompanied by a phase of chemotherapy or radiation treatment to ensure that the patient's cancer has been completely removed or killed off. How the treatment proceeds and at what stage a particular therapy will be recommended will be determined by the type and stage of lung cancer a patient has got.

Find the right doctor for lung cancer surgery or mitral valve disease. Early diagnosis can lead to successful results.

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2012年4月15日 星期日

Seven Techniques For Overcoming Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches have become all too common in our fast paced high stress world. With the hectic pace of our lives and the fear that is too often associated with the modern lifestyle including wars, terrorism, the economy, family and work, and poor quality processed foods and more, it's little wonder that more and more people are suffering from mild and severe migraines at an increasing rate.

Migraines are very painful headaches that often occur on one side of the head, which is the basic meaning of the word migraine. These headaches are sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and changes in vision. They usually begin on only one side of the head and may become worse with exposure to light.

The severity of migraine pain can be anywhere from very slight to debilitating. Sometimes the pain from migraines can become so severe that the person is literally incapacitated and unable to do anything but lie in bed. More women suffer from migraine headaches than men by about a 4 to 1 ratio. Some women report that migraines disappear during pregnancy in a fairly large number of sufferers.

Wikipedia says this about migraine headaches;

The typical migraine headache is one-sided and pulsating, lasting 4 to 72 hours. Accompanying complaints are nausea and vomiting, and a heightened sensitivity to bright lights (photophobia) and noise (hyperacusis). Approximately one third of people who experience migraines get a preceding aura, in which a patient may sense a strange light or unpleasant smell. ....Other symptoms of the aura phase can include auditory or olfactory hallucinations, temporary dysphasia, vertigo, tingling or numbness of the face and extremities, and hypersensitivity to touch.

Migraine headaches have been documented as far back as 1200BC by the Egyptians who described it as a "headache with neuralgia". In 400 BC Hippocrates described the visual aura that can precede the migraine headache and the relief which can occur through vomiting. Aretaeus of Cappadocia is credited as the "discoverer" of migraines because of his description in the second century of the symptoms of a unilateral headache associated with vomiting.

Throughout the millennia hundreds of theories and ideas have been proposed to explain the causes of migraine. Treatments included everything from the somewhat reasonable to downright ludicrous in an attempt to alleviate the pain.

For relief of migraine, Andalusian-born physician Abulcasis, suggested application of a hot iron to the head or insertion of garlic into an incision made in the temple. In the Medieval Ages migraine was recognized as a discrete medical disorder with treatment ranging from hot irons to blood letting and even witchcraft.

The exact causes of migraines in western medicine are unknown even today. The most widespread theory is that it is a disorder of the serotonergic control system. Recent PET scans have demonstrated the aura to coincide with spreading cortical depression after an episode of greatly increased blood flow (up to 300% higher than normal).

There are many triggers of migraines including; environmental, stress of either a physical or emotional nature, nutritional deficiencies, allergic reactions, bright lights, loud noises, and certain odors or perfumes, changes in sleeping patterns, smoking or smoke exposure, skipping meals, alcohol, menstrual cycle fluctuations, birth control pills, hormone fluctuations during the menopause, foods containing tyramine (red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken livers, figs, and some beans), monosodium glutamate (MSG) or nitrates (like bacon, hot dogs, and salami).

Some people who suffer from migraines also react to salt and eliminating salt can be helpful for some of these people. Lactose-intolerant individuals may benefit from avoiding milk and ice cream. Tryptophan, an amino acid found in protein-rich foods, is converted to serotonin, a substance that might worsen some migraines. As a result, low-protein diets have been used with some success to reduce migraine attacks.

Chinese Medicine and Migraines

While western medicine still struggles to understand the true nature of disease in the human body, Chinese medicine is thousands of years ahead in understanding and offers many simple and effective remedies into the cause and treatments of migraines.

In Chinese medicine it is your chi or bio-energy that is responsible for everything that occurs in the body. Western medicine has dismissed this idea and far too simplistic, always opting to choose the extremely complex over the simple. But this is really a very dangerous mindset because you can be just as blinded to the truth if your mindset is always looking for complex answers. The same holds true when only looking for simple answers too.

In Chinese medicine, anytime you experience;

* Headaches

* Dizziness

* Nausea

* Vomiting

These are characteristics of "ascending fire chi" rising up to the head. Recall from above that "Recent PET scans have demonstrated the aura to coincide with spreading cortical depression after an episode of greatly increased blood flow (up to 300% higher than normal)." In Chinese medicine there is an old axiom that states "chi is the commander of blood, but blood is the mother of chi. This means that wherever chi goes, the blood will follow." There have been many experiments done that show that if a person thinks about their feet; blood flow to the feet actually increases. If they think about their head, the blood flow to the head also increases.

Naturally such studies are rarely if ever are published in the western media since western medicine really doesn't want people to know that they can use their mind and thoughts to help alleviate their chronic illnesses that bring is so much revenue for doctors and drug companies alike.

This ascending fire chi is the true cause of serious headaches such as migraines and many other associate illnesses of excess fire energy that are so common today in the western world. Recall that nausea, dizziness (vertigo) and vomiting are also a main symptoms reported by many migraine sufferers over the centuries. This is in perfect accord with ancient Chinese medical theory of "ascending fire chi". When chi rises to the head, the blood naturally follows. Often this intensifies the symptoms due to the expansion of blood vessels in the brain caused by the presence of increased blood flow.

So what is causing this "ascending fire chi" to rise up to the head? There can be many causes but they all have one thing in common, they are all reflective in one or more of the four main characteristics of chi, those are the;

1. Flow

2. Strength

3. Balance

4. Purity

These are the four main chi characteristics in the body. When anyone or more of these "chi symptoms" are present, symptoms and disease will be manifest in the body to some degree. Energy may be in disharmony for weeks, months or years before any physical manifestations of symptoms arise. Chinese pulse diagnosis is fantastic at detecting these energy deficiencies and imbalances sometimes decades in advance when done by a skilled master healer. This is something else that is also laughed at in western medical circles.

Chemicals in foods such as MSG, hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, various preservatives, artificial sweeteners and just about anything else artificial can causes excess fire chi to be generated in the body. If the kidneys (which control water functions of the body) are not strong enough or compromised in some way, they will not be able to balance out this excess fire chi and this energy can than ascend to the head uncontrollably. Where this chi goes, the blood will follow often resulting in the physical manifestation of the main migraine symptoms of pain, nausea, dizziness and vomiting, sometimes accompanied by "aura".

Excess fire chi rising to the head would certainly cause this "aura" that patients of describe preceding an attack. This aura can take place sometimes up to an hour or more before an attack of migraine. Visual aura is the most common of the neurological events. There is a disturbance of vision consisting usually of unformed flashes of white and/or black or rarely of multicolored lights (photopsia) or formations of dazzling zigzag lines. Sometimes auditory or olfactory hallucinations occur during this aura phase too.

These are all signs and symptoms of the ascending fire chi rising to the head, overloading the various senses and the brain itself, resulting in the various hallucinations and other symptoms that are regularly reported by migraine sufferers.

In advanced Chinese meditation, these same signs often accompany someone who is on the verge of attaining what's called a "Major breakthrough" in the meditative practice. In this case the symptoms are not a cause for alarm but celebration. That's because in this case they are a major sign that the practitioner has succeeded in leading huge amounts of chi to the brain, thus energizing the brain to a far higher level which is a major factor in enlightenment, increased mental power, wisdom and longevity. There is no pain or discomfort in a person who attains this level, but amazing joy, peace, happiness and significantly increased physical strength, endurance, immunity and longevity.

Methods to Cool the Fire

The triggers listed above can lead to a weakening of the kidneys and thus an associated increase in fire chi in the body. The heart is the fire organ of the body and even in western medicine it's known that the kidneys often play a role in people who suffer from various severe heart conditions, though they do not understand the exact mechanism behind this cause they reject the Chinese explanations of chi and chi theory as stated here.

Any illness severe enough to cause major symptoms in the body will always have part or all of it's root cause in the kidneys and kidney chi. The kidneys are your main organs that determine overall life force, sexual health, energy, and longevity. This is why Chinese medicine places such great emphasis on strengthening the kidneys. This is not only a factor in prevention of disease but in curing as well.

Here are several methods that are known to help cool down the fire chi in the body and greatly help reduce the frequency, severity or totally eliminate migraine headaches from occurring in the future.

1)Avoid fire inducing foods; Foods such as red meat, pork, processed foods, spices, alcohol, soda, refined sodium and sugars and all other refined foods should all be greatly cut down or eliminated from the diet as much as possible. These foods are very common in the western world and it's no coincidence that the majority of diseases were seeing in the west are diseases of excess fire energy and energy deficiency too. Processed foods are virtually dead in terms of their life energies.

2)Eat cooling (yin) foods from nature such as vegetables, fruits, wild fish, organic meats, whole grain breads and all other foods that are as minimally processed as possible; This also includes reading those labels to make sure that there are no chemicals in those foods at all.

3)Practice meditation 20-30 minutes per day to calm the mind and help cool down the fire energies of the body; Chinese meditations which focus on the "dan tien" area just below the navel are particularly helpful as that are is the seat of "water energies" in the body and can greatly help to not only cool the fire energies down, but strengthen the kidneys themselves.

4)Practice deep abdominal breathing several times per day; Breathing is another method that is used in Chinese medicine and martial arts to help not only cool down the fire during training or a battle, but to help increase endurance, health and longevity too. Breathing is one of the fastest and most effective methods of cooling down the fire. Practicing breath holding for 3-5 seconds every few breaths can go a long way to keeping the fire energies of the body in check.

5)Take herbs such as Ginger, Feverfew and Ginkgo Biloba; One case report suggested success using 4-6 grams per day of powdered ginger for migraines and the nausea that accompanies them.28 Ginger may also be taken as a tincture in the amount of 1.5-3 ml three times daily. Ginkgo biloba extract may also help because it reduces the formation of a substance known as platelet-activating factor which may contribute to migraines. Although Ginger is classified as a warming herb, in this case it helps to strengthen the water energies of the kidneys. The kidneys then have increased water energies to cool the fire of the body. This is a classic example of the "mother-son" law of Chinese medicine at work. Ginger is also excellent for the dizziness than often accompanies migraine headaches as well.

6)Use acupuncture and acupressure points to help balance chi flow; Acupressure points such as connecting valleys which is located on the webbing between the thumb and forefinger of both hands is known to be effective at relieving mild to moderate headaches and migraines. Press on this point with moderate pressure for 30-60 seconds of each hand. There are also points at the base of the back of the skull where the bone goes into the softer tissue of the neck that can be extremely effective at not only alleviating migraine attacks, but have been known to cure some cases of chronic migraines with only one application.

The exact location of these points is difficult to describe in words, but a general massaging of the lower part of the skull where the two thick chords of the neck disappear into the skull while looking down at the ground can often be just as effective as acupressure at relieving headache pain many cases.

7)Drink more water; Chronic dehydration is another major cause of headaches and in fact many other major illnesses were seeing today. Soda and coffee and even many teas do not count as drinking water. Water itself is pure, helps to ease the strain on the kidneys which again increases the strength of their control over the fire energies of the body. Not to mention water physically helps to purify the bloodstream, flushes out toxins and can help keep the blood thinner and flowing more smoothly throughout the system. This results in less strain on the heart and since the heart is the fire organ of the body that means less fire energies will be generated.

Also be sure to clean up your diet adding as much natural raw or at least lightly cooked foods to your diet as possible, avoiding chemicals and chemical triggers, reducing stress and exercising as much as possible as well as getting a good nights sleep. Slow motion exercises like Tai Chi and "The eight pieces of brocade" can strengthen the overall energy of the body and have a strong calming effect on all the organs of the body. This is especially true of the mind and can greatly help to reduce or eliminate migraine headaches.

Richard Stacel is a network engineer and practitioner of Chinese martial arts, medicine and chi-gung for over twenty five years. Having learned many Chinese health and healing arts from old world gung-fu and healing masters and practitioners, Rich has helped many people to overcome their health issues and achieve their fitness goals. Through diligent study and experience he has taken this knowledge even further over the years including reading scores of books on Chinese medicine, health, nutrition, supplements, meditation, martial arts, physics, science and many other subjects. Utilizing the web, health and fitness videos, newsletters, articles, teachings and lectures, Rich is passionate about spreading the true knowledge of health, healing, fitness and spiritual truths. I'm proud to be writing articles for NaturalNews.com You can learn more about the Chinese Health and Fitness video by visiting his website at http://www.chinesehealthandfitness.com.

You can view all of my articles on the Natural News website at http://www.naturalnews.com/Author134.html.

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