2012年1月19日 星期四

Helping a Cat Or Dog With Alzheimer's

Believe it or not, cats and dogs can get Alzheimer's disease the same as humans can. It is also known as CDS (Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome). Some of the symptoms that you might notice your pet having include: loss of memory, confused state, change in personality and disorientation.

Just like in humans, it is difficult to tell the difference between normal signs of aging and the early onset of Alzheimer's. It is completely normal for senior's to experience changes in personality and severe loss of memory. I will list off some of the things you should look for to determine if your pet is experiencing Alzheimer's:

~ When you call their name they do not respond

~ Stops responding to commands and are not able to do tricks they used to

~ Routines are forgotten - even eating and drinking

~ Staring off into space or at a wall

~ Accidents in your home that can become as serious as forgetting the purpose of the yard or litter box

~ Wandering around without direction and disorientation

Typically, Alzheimer's occurs in older pets. One thing to keep in mind is that pets are considered senior at different ages, depending on their breed and size. Cats live much longer than large dogs, for example.

Alzheimer's is not something that your vet will notice on a typical visit to him/her. You need to be proactive and make sure that your vet knows about any strange behavior that your pet has been showing. If a pet has Alzheimer's then there are typically one or two symptoms that cannot be attributed to any other medical condition. If your vet needs additional information then they might run urine tests, neurological exams or a CAT scan.

There is no cure for Alzheimer's but catching and treating it early can greatly improve your pet's quality of life. Your vet will probably recommend a change in food and prescribe a medication called Anipryl. Anipryl has worked to help a lot of pets but it often stops working after 60 days. It also has several side effects like itching, appetite loss, purging and diarrhea.

Gotu Cola is natural and studies have shown that it increases the brains oxygen supply. It increases the memory and helps animals to stay more mentally alert. Gotu Cola also can help to calm your pet down and lower it's stress levels. This is of great benefit because being disoriented all the time can be very stressful. Rosemary is similar to Gotu Cola in that it helps to make the memory stronger and helps to increase energy levels. These herbs are totally safe for your pet but you should still let your vet know that you are using them so that you can both be on the same page.

Dee Braun, a single mom of 6, is a Cert. Aromatherapist & natural health practitioner. Click now to visit Natural Holistic Health Blog which offers info on more natural home remedies & healing techniques for common health, emotional ailments & conditions at http://www.Natural-Holistic-Health.com/.

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