2012年5月11日 星期五

Protect Your Pet - Preplanning in Case Your Pet Gets Lost and Steps to Take If Your Pet Gets Lost

As pet lovers, we never want to face losing our pet. But there are all sorts of things that can happen and your pet may become lost. The gate can be left open or they can scoot out the door without notice. There are even unplanned natural disasters after which you find your pet missing.



The best preplanning you can do is to place a pet tag on your pet's collar. This is one of the quickest and easiest ways to have your pet identified. The best pet tag is Return-A-Pet. Return-A-Pet features a tag with an 800 number and a unique identifier for your pet. The number can be called anytime day or night. The person finding your pet gives the operator the unique number off the tag and all pertinent information is available; your name and address, your vet's name and address and the names and addresses of other friends and relatives.


You could have a microchip implanted also. The only downside with chips is that the person finding the pet would have to get the animal scanned and the equipment must be compatible with the implanted chip.


Be sure to keep your information current. If your phone number or address changes, you can call the Return-A-Pet number and let them know. If you have a microchip implanted, you should receive information on how to update your records.


The unthinkable happens and your pet is lost.


Keep your phone handy in case someone finds your pet and calls Return-A-Pet.


Contact your neighbors and let them know your pet is missing.


Post flyers in your neighborhood with your pet's photograph and your telephone number or Return-A-Pet's telephone number and your pet's unique ID tag. Remember, the Return-A-

Pet phone will be answered so whoever finds your pet will start getting help instantly.


Call all the local shelters and give them a description of your pet; however, don't stop there, visit these facilities at least every other day and check for yourself.


Place ads in your local newspaper.


If there are any rescue groups in your area, let them know your pet is missing. Someone might turn your pet over to them.


Contact local veterinarians let give them a description of your pet.



Is your pet worth a $20.00 investment. Get your Return-A-Pet Tag today. It's a pet tag on steroids.

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