2012年7月29日 星期日

Your Health Is Not As Important As You Think It Is?

Hundreds of new people join gyms each week so they can start a workout program...but these gyms never have to expand their locker rooms! It's true, they open with say, 200 lockers, have hundreds of new members each month and those 200 lockers will always be enough. Why? These Corporate Fitness Centers understand one very important thing about human nature... if we don't have huge, compelling reasons why we are getting fit, it will only be temporary.

Dr. Viktor Frankel in his classic book, Man's Search for Meaning, wrote about his experiences in the concentration camps of World War II. As a physician, Dr. Frankel wrote of his observations during this time that led to his philosophy on the importance of meaning in our lives. He found that those who had a BIG enough reason why they needed to survive experienced a survival rate that was many times greater than those who did not. LARGE, compelling reasons seemed to literally turn on and amplify different areas of the brain. And you know what? He was right! Modern day technologies such as PET scanning and MRI's have allowed scientists to actually watch this happen in the brain.

Are you having trouble reaching your goals for more vibrant health? Chances are good that you may not have a big enough reason why. Many times when we set our goals, as they relate to our health, we use logical reasons to attempt to motivate ourselves. This fails almost every time. To motivate ourselves with passion that will ignite our actions for the long haul, we must build our reasons around emotionally triggered ideas. Far more people will work to lose weight to become more appealing to the opposite sex than will ever do the same to improve their cardiac profile. Make your reasons as emotionally loaded as possible, and watch your motivation literally explode.

Vincent Harris is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Consultant. His focus is on the new science of happiness, positive psychology. Join his FREE weekly Ezine today, and receive a FREE Mp3 audio download, and a Special Report, " How to make Others Crave to Be Near You." Just go http://www.successpath.info/Consultations.html

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