2012年3月4日 星期日

Tips to Stop Stuttering - A Guide

Neurological and Genetic Components of Stuttering

People who stutter don't lack the ability to speak fluently but rather there is an obstruction with the ability to speak fluently. The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for speech. Studies of stutters using PET (positron emission tomography) scans of the brain shows that the left brain hemisphere is being interrupted. It has been discovered that these interrupted brain patterns of the left brain hemisphere are there even when the stutterers aren't talking. Even during silent reading, the neural patterns of the right hemisphere of the brain displayed more activity in sutterers. The non stutterers had more neural activity in the left hemisphere during silent reading. The results of these PET scans indicate different neural activity during speaking and reading in stutterers.

It appears that there is a genetic component to stuttering. Stuttering tends to run in families. This has been proven by studying twins and members of the same family who stutter. Genetic studies are being done to see if a specific gene causes stuttering, in which case gene therapy would be an option.

Stuttering Intervention

50-80% of all children who stutter outgrow the disorder as they grow older. If early intervention is achieved it appears that stuttering will disappear. Those children who continue to stutter into adulthood, the PET scans show differences in the neural activities in the stutterers' brain as compared to nonstutters. This indicates that if stuttering goes untreated the brain builds different neural paths and the brain begins to remember the stuttering behavior.

A good evaluation (diagnosis) by a qualified Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) is imperative as this determines what the best treatment might be.

Treatments for people who stutter focus on teaching the person skills, strategies, and behaviors that help oral communication. This may include:

Fluency shaping therapy

Controlling and monitoring rate of speech- this may involve drills that practice smooth, fluent speech at very slow speed, using short sentences. The person is taught to elongate vowels and consonants, while trying to utilize uninterrupted airflow. With repeated practice the person gradually vocalizes smooth speech at higher speed, and with longer sentences and phrases. Patients have greater long-term success if the practice sessions with the SLP are done on a regular basis. Followup treatment will prevent relapses of stuttering.

Controlled breathing - as the patient practices lengthened speech drills he also learns how to regulate breathing. Added to this is therapy to train articulation of words that involves training the movements of the tongue, jaw and lips. Stuttering is also reduced by speaking while exhaling the breath.

Tips To Stop Stuttering

Below are some helpful tips to stop stuttering.

1.) Inhale a deep breath and relax before you begin to speak. The more you worry about it, the more likely you are to stutter.

2.) Practice forming a rhythm to your voice. Researchers have discovered that oddly enough, people tend not to stutter while they sing.

3.) Take a moment and gather your thoughts before you speak. Be exactly sure of the word or words you are about to say. Think about each word before you vocalize it. When you do begin to speak, speak slowly. Do not feel that you are pressured to speak quickly to get your message across.

4.) Say the words in your mind. Hear yourself saying the words successfully in your mind. Let your brain hear yourself successfully saying the word you want to say. This is a type of visualization technique that is very powerful

5.) If you have to give a speech, avoid looking at any particular person. Find a fixed point in the back of the room to focus your attention.

6.) Practicing drills such as singing phrases can help learn to regulate breathing, since stutterers normally don't stutter while singing.

7.) Exhale as you speak.

8.) Do not put extreme pressure on yourself. One of the aspects that contributes to stuttering is anxiety and emotional pressure.

The real secret to stop stuttering is to learn how to regulate your breathing while speaking.

The medical profession has not identified the main cause of stuttering, new studies are being done to study the neurological and genetic components that contribute to stuttering. Instead of expensive speech therapy which may not even cure the problem, numerous self help methods exist. For more information go to How To Stop Stuttering Quickly. This article was written by Anna M. Hartman.

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